10 ways to put fun into your change program

Any major change program brings with it stress and uncdarthvaderertainty for the people impacted. They are nervous about the unknown and unsure of their futures and whether they will be able to survive and thrive in the proposed new world. To get everyone to accept the changes, and actively participate, you need to lighten the mood and increase engagement using some fun change strategies. Here are ten strategies that were hugely successful in a recent major program of work. Continue reading “10 ways to put fun into your change program”

10 ways to put fun into your change program

The science behind managing change

scienceChange management is often referred to as a soft discipline and its disciples as tree huggers. The tangible benefits it provides a project are frequently questioned with many a senior executive, and yes even CEOs, dismissing it as an unnecessary part of delivering a project. No wonder McKinsey Consulting research found that over 70% of projects fail to deliver their original benefits. The science behind change now demands it be given greater attention when planning any project. Continue reading “The science behind managing change”

The science behind managing change

Nobody likes change……..they love it!

ImageMention change to most people and they will quickly tell you they hate it closely followed by the often used phrase ‘nobody likes change’, however we all love change we just don’t realise it. Continue reading “Nobody likes change……..they love it!”

Nobody likes change……..they love it!